
PEPR Quantique
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About the consortium

Who are we?

The project Consortium is composed of 16 different research teams


Pierre-Alain Fouque
(project  2coordinator, PR Rennes University)
André Schrottenloher
(CR Inria)
alt=Yixin Shen

(CR Inria)
Damien Marion
(MC, Rennes University)
alt=Clémence Chevignard

(PhD Student)
alt=Gaël Claudel
(Intern, Rennes University)


alt="" Magali Bardet (MC) alt="" Otmani Ayoub (PR)
Valentin Suder (MC) alt= Charles Brion (PhD Student)
alt= Mohamed Ahmed Saeed (Post-doc) alt= Alban Gilard (PhD Student)


Alain Couvreur (DR Inria) Thomas Debris-Alazard (CR Inria)
Benjamin Smith (CR Inria) alt= Matthieu Lequesne (Post-Doc)
alt= Rakhi Pratihar (Post-doc) alt= Lola Baie Mallordy (PhD Student)
alt= Anaëlle Le Devehat (PhD Student)


Pierre-Jean Spaenlehauer (CR Inria) alt="" Xavier Bonnetain (CR Inria)
alt= Paul Frixons (Post-doc) alt="" Julien Soumier (PhD Student)
alt="" Mehdi Kermaoui (PhD Student)


Lilian Bossuet (PR) Brice Colombier (MC)
Pierre-Louis Cayrel (MC) Vincent Grosso (CR CNRS)
alt= Alexandre Ortega (PhD Student) alt= Nicolas Vallet (PhD Student)
alt= Maya Abi Ghanem (PhD Student) alt= Justine Paillet (PhD Student)


Philippe Gaborit (PR) Cristina Onete (MC)
Olivier Ruatta (MC) alt= Christophe Clavier (PR)
alt= Adrien Vincotte (PhD Student)

Administrative team

Marilou Gaborel
(Project Manager)
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